
The Workforce Council was incorporated in 1983 to administer job training programs in the nine county area of South Central Minnesota and expanded its role to include welfare reform and oversight responsibilities for the WorkForce Center System. The Council is responsible for designing and marketing employment services, selecting organizations to deliver those services and monitor service delivery.

The majority of our members are local business leaders. Our members also represent education, human services, community based organizations, labor, economic development, employment services and rehabilitation services.

The Council serves nine counties in partnership with a Joint Powers Board comprised of a Commissioner from each county.

Our logo, designed by Lime Valley Advertising, is a symbol that represents the South Central WorkForce Council on multiple levels.  The converging arrows show partners coming together and collaborating.  The reflecting arrows suggest solutions coming from collaboration.  The negative image forms a plus symbol that represents growth and positive impact.  The use of four quadrants suggests our work with business, workforce development, education and community.   This can also relate back to your council that thinks big picture, without bounds.